Style Guide: Helena Elias

    In this feature, we dive into the world of vibrant and mystical art by chatting with Helena, NERDs illustrator, whose colourful, detail-packed work is nothing short of mesmerising. From the early days of experimenting with digital tools to exploring a mix of styles and influences, Helena’s journey is a whirlwind of creativity and discovery. We …

    Picture This - Manos Chatzikonstantis

    In celebration of World Photography Day, we sit down with our Photographer Manos Chatzikonstantis to dive deep into one of his most cherished projects: Salt of the Earth. Authored by Carolina Doriti and published by Quadrille, this book is a vibrant exploration of Greek cuisine and culture. Manos shares insights into the creative process and …

    Get To Know: Ahmet Iltas

    Having recently launched Ahmet Iltas on our roster of talented artists and directors, we decided to get to know the multidisciplinary designer and illustrator a little better with a quick-fire Q+A session.

    Introducing... Ahmet Iltas

    We are proud to welcome multidisciplinary designer and illustrator Ahmet Iltas to the NERD roster.