Rachael Olga Lloyd is an award-winning animation director who specializes in Stop-Motion and Puppetry. She is obsessed with handcrafts, folklore, wool, cats, and beards. In her spare time, she tries not to kill her ever-growing number of house plants, plays old RPG games, knits, and plots a future as a crazy cat lady.
Her short film, ‘Iktsuarpok,’ won Best Sound at the Underwire Festival and Best Student Animation at the Roselle Park Loves Shorts International Film Festival. It was also screened at multiple festivals, including the Asthetica Short Film Festival and the Manchester Animation Festival. Anot r short film, ‘How to Count Sheep,’ won over five awards and was screened at multiple festivals, including the London Short Film Festival.
She worked with The Scouts, human rights charity Fair Trials, London International’s Shipping Week and worked on Alexander McQueen’s Holiday 2021 collection promotion video.